
Marx Poem

Read some where the Hindi translation of very interesting poem of Marx .So many year back I have read the poem in a hindi magazine but every time when I read it I feel it is new & inspire me always.

I am not a communist or supporter of Marx but his view of thinking is amazing .I like this poem most thats why posting it here .

कठिनाइयों से रीता जीवन
मेरे लिए नहीं,
नहीं, मेरे तूफानी मन को यह स्‍वीकार नहीं।
मुझे तो चाहिए एक महान ऊंचा लक्ष्‍य
और उसके लिए उम्र भर संघर्षों का अटूट क्रम।
ओ कला! तू खोल
मानवता की धरोहर, अपने अमूल्‍य कोषों के द्वार
मेरे लिए खोल!
अपनी प्रज्ञा और संवेगों के आलिंगन में
अखिल विश्‍व को बांध लूंगा मैं!
हम बीहड़ और कठिन सुदूर यात्रा पर चलें
आओ, क्‍योंकि -
छिछला, निरुद्देश्‍य और लक्ष्‍यहीन जीवन
हमें स्‍वीकार नहीं।
हम, ऊंघते कलम घिसते हुए
उत्‍पीड़न और लाचारी में नहीं जियेंगे।
हम - आकांक्षा, आक्रोश, आवेग, और
अभिमान में जियेंगे!
असली इन्‍सान की तरह जियेंगे

Making Yourself Free

Not most , but at least few of us will be fond of horse riding. Who have not enjoyed it will have seen it surely.

Just come to rural area , there are horse cart , In that cart at least 10 to 12  people can have seat , & interesting thing is that  the horse can pull all them .

Consider a case , if the cart is removed and some one says that horse should carry all passenger on his back?Is it possible ?

You can say i am talking like a fool .How it is possible , A horse can take 1 or max 2 person .

You can say that since there is cart so it it cart which is helping the horse ,but who is the puller ?

In both the cases , the Horse is doing the work ,but in second case the efficiency is many time , The sole reason is here the cart,cart separate out the problem with actor .

In first case all the load is carried out by the Actor , while in the second Load is carried out by the Cart & actor is pulling the cart .The small change make all the difference

When we are solving a problem , we have two approach , Either separate out your self from the problem & then solve it else carry all the burden on your back .You can better think off what will be the outcome .

While doing any work , while in problem do not take all the burden on yourself that will simply going to kill you ,keep in mind that you need to give the direction & every one will be Happy :)

You should solve the problem , but you should not be the part of problem .Make yourself free for action , from burden & you can do best .Think that you ,are something different & you  will be the best in your view .

The Lost Smile

After going to the office ,everyday i saw the people of different different type , they are all together different but one thing is very common in all of them ,there faces are down ,there smile is lost ,they come to daily morning , but very rarely some one is smiling .

Just meet any one in the office very few , rarely some one is relaxed .

You can analyze the same thing. The only thing you required is when you are watching other , just watch , do not be biased , feel like they all are new & you are not the part of the same crowd.

Separate out yourself from them for a moment & then watch there behavior. They just come to office energy less , in tension , do start work & return with the same way .

Just try to find out is there any person who is calm ,who is full of joy , Who is relaxed .

It is extremely hard to find out such a person .

Again consider yourself the part of the same crowd , and think are you different from them any way .Is there any difference between them & you .

May be you should got some major difference , Some energy , some enthuse inside yourself .If you can not find just point out.

  • When in the last time you laugh freely .When you feel that you was very very happy.
  • When in last time you talked with your friend except Money ,Buying a house , abusing your company environment .
  • When  see some people in the office , on the road ,laughing alone & you thinks that he is normal.
  • Why we forget to laugh like the days of childhood /college.
  • Why as we are growing the we are not happy with small things as we became in past days ,

You have to find the answer for these question for yourself .No help is required for this.

These small question if you can think will bring a  cute smile on your face ,and you will be more energetic ,more joyful  if you can recall your smile