
Programming The world of Infinity


Computer =Software + Hardware


Hardware –>> All things which you can touch like keyboard , mouse ,RAM etc

Two Major parts

1. Input –> Gives input to computer , Like Keyboard , Mouse ,Mike

2.Output-> Gives out from computer—> Printer , Speaker ,Display


Software –> Which you can not touch but play a major role (like your mind , your thoughts)

Software consist two major part

System Software –>> Operating System ,Drivers etc

Application Software –> Application software , paint ,MS Office , Photoshop etc


Why Programming Language :

For development of software

System Software and Application software are developed using various language ,reason is computer can understand only binary data

For human it is difficult to program in Binary, so there is a need of simpler language which human can work and which can be translated in computers language (Binary)

For the same reason there exist so many language like , C , C++ , Java ,Lua , JavaScript… etc.

Also , a lot of other language ,framework developed over the time to make it easier for work