
Mind ....Thinking and worry

Till this time in the earth , human mind is most powerful among all the known things .The best thing is that there is no limit of it .

Someone says if you can think it , it means you can do it.

Thinking is the first step .

Lot of people will say that the think a lot , but there is no outcome .They are more disturbed after thinking .So they do not want to think.

Every good thing also has some dark side .  If the Dark and Bright side is balanced , the life will be smooth .If not , then whole system will be dis-balanced.

Nature (Science or GOD whatever name u like) balance all this very well . From Sun , Moon earth roatation ,weather , life and death, young and old. man and women , Science and Religion, logic and love ,war and peace , Mountain and See , GOD and Shaitan, Haven and Hell  , almost everything has some balance .

There is nothing in the world without opposite . Sometime I feel that when the GOD is supreme then why in each religion there is story of demon  and GOD is always fighting with demon   (.but it exists ,almost in every religion)

Come to mind 

It can think , this is quality which diffrenitate it from other ,but when the thinking is negative it makes the people in trap.The thinking then turn into the worry and destroy the whole life .

Some people can argue ,why to think, no thinking ,no worry and no tension .

The thinking is positive and worry is negative . There is very thin line between these two.
If you are not thinking then there is no chance of being mad , the person who never think never became mad, but in nature , the animal also never became mad .(you can get exception ,that is due to other factor) .

The best part of human is to thinking power , if you are not using it , you are just equal to living being(animals).

Human can think for the reason of existence,reason for being    ,no one else can do in nature .

But when this thinking creates fear , this thinking propagate negativity in work and action ,that time it turns in worry. This is negative thinking ,destructive thinking .

Sometime there is confusion between these two . One reference is taken from GITA ,do the work , do not worry for the result .
 It was felt that do the work ,do the work  and so on .... do not worry , But it does not mean that do not do think before work/action . It can be in the way Think Work and Do Not Worry . 

if you do the action but how an action can be without purpose .If there is action then there was a  purpose.So think for the purpose ,do the action and then do not worry while doing action .

If in between the action you worried for the result , then the mind and energy will be disturbed and failure is guaranteed . When you are doing action , it should be focused not worried for the aftereffect 

But the issue is we are disturbed ,while doing one thing we think for others. In Temple we think for the office ,in office we think for the vacation and in vacation we think for work and progress. While relaxing , people think for the work and during work they feel sleep .This cycle is continue .

This is reason of many of the problem ,if not all .If while doing one work we are thinking for other our mind and body are divided and we can not enjoy ,we can not live the life at that moment, This relates to thing that people feel emptiness , they are not satisfied  .And finally they are worried all time .

Lot of books ,many Spiritual  gurus ,many master are telling to people Leave the worry,how to leave worry , stress free life etc etc . But it is only half truth , it is not about leaving worry , it is about thinking , if you will think then there is no worry , if you will not think , then there is no option ,you have to worry .

Thinking and Being in present , will make the people satisfied .

We have two option either do not think and live like animals .
Think , live consciously and Be Stress free .