While reading the post many of you people will think that I am being an spiritual , some can relate me to philosophy & some can say that I am not seeing the Positive side of the life .
But I feel that I am not able to classify myself in these category so I started down writing what ever comes in mind,
For a normal people(which is most of us are) we take birth , our parents teach us the basic about life , we study in college(not necessary for all) and then finally we continue to earn livelihood .Then we marry , have kids . And the same process start again .They do the same thing .
Most of the events are the same for a common people . My reference to common people is here for all the Middle & lower class people .
Few of us do some business , job , even some people do nothing . but the normal process of the life became same for all .
They take birth ,earn & then die ?
We are busy in our schedule , tightly busy , so much that even we are not able to think why we are doing all this .
We are running faster & faster but we do not know where we are going ?
Is is the life ?
We are busy with our schedule & daily things are fixed for us.
We are moving in never ending cycle.
Peoples are there & here is every stage of life to give there opinion what we should do & what we should not .
Just open the radio ,tv,newspaper .Go in public meeting , go to religious person & go to Politician ,Teacher ,Professor ,Self management guru , Spiritual teacher(not necessarily spiritual person) ,they all are ready to give there view how we should live our life ?
from childhood , they started transforming our life , what we should do & how we can be successful person .
Not be confuse with the meaning of successful person they all have there different view of that.
But the basic remains always same for all , Each of them tells this is the correct way of living the life & we should behave like them only ,If we go other than that than there is always a problem .
& Some time later in the life , we are stick to any one of them ,We are so habitual of there views that we thinks that all things are fine .There is nothing wrong in that .
Its like that we all people is living in a illusions , No one knows the truth , no one even think about that , but we are so habitual of our belief, if some one ever thinks against that then we ready to resist by all power .
We are behaving like the basic principal of science , every rigid thing resist for change if external force is applied because of the inertia . but had we think any time , why we are not ready to listen others view . Are we so rigid that we can not listen to others view ?Its up to us that what we can do with there views , but why we are so intolerant ,Because we always think that we are right ,We are conditioned like this way that we are stick to the view .
We have our own perception of all the things ,Any thing , any view any logic going beyond that perception we always resist .Because whatever we follow , religiously , politically or in any other way , These all always says that only that path is right? no other path is correct .
Think for a while what a man do in his whole life ?
After childhood , study , marital life & then kids ,a home & Cars etc & Then , a day come in the life when things are finished.
See the people around you , after retirement most of the people think that there is nothing left in the life? Once your kids are married & settled in job/business ,you are complete with your life .
For the society these people or of no use & they are waiting for going out from this world .
This all cycle looks like a machine , is life only for the earning & completing the responsibilities , & responsibilities are only that which are made by us for us .Which are made by the society for us & now a days made by the Market(Investment agent ,Property Dealers ,schools ,financers etc.)
No other one is going to benefit from it .
We study lot about literature , history , geography , math's ,science ,medicine ,business etc .
There are a kind of people who makes these reality , in other side there are the people who read them to pass the exams so that they can get the degree/job.
But no where in school/home they suggest make some history ,They only tell us to be shaped according to the system .They shape us to fit in the system .No school ever teach us to rule the system ,no where is taught to create a system .
Is not we caught in the rat race ? Possibly no one except us can break the illusion ,Give some time to yourself for thinking that may give some vision .
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