
Ox & Horse

Long ago there was two animal  Horse &  Ox in a forest. They trapped in a empty Pit.Both tried to come out from the well .

OX was trying continuously from every side ,but he was not success .After many unsuccessful attempt the legs of the horse became injured .

While the Horse was little bit calm & clever .He looks each side of the pit & finally got one easy place to go out , tried the best & came out from the pit.

This happens every where around us , daily with our self & others also .Every time we caught in a problem  sometime we are able to solve it & sometime we are not .

While we saw some people always can find the solution for each problem (in other word they are able to manage with the problem) while some or not .

The core difference is only that who thinks over the problem , who analyze the problem , is able to overcome from it .Definitely that is not the case with others .