
Double Standard

You will always meet the people , who complain about there boss ,there company , the current system etc .

In corporate , people feels like there management treat them as a resource , as a productive tool to whom they do not care , to whom they want to extract as much they can .

In simple word they feel that for management /company they are only the resource like machine, not as living being ,who has his own identity and there ultimate goal is to utilize them .

People feels like they are being ruled & not well treated .

Its the case with in general life also , like go to a police station,railway booking office, go to a government office for your work ,or go to an outstation ,many feels that each one is trying to realize you that you are inferior than them until unless they have to take money from you .

Going more general , People are driving on the road , the different segment of commuters who travels by BUS ,Car ,Bikes ,Auto etc always abuse other is responsible for traffic violation & accident always occur because of negligence of others .

Even most of them have gone through the each stage, in different time ,they all complain.

Once there living standard change , they think that there lower or upper class is responsible for the problem , they never think that they are the part of the same system , and some time cause of the problem also ,to which they are abusing .

As a social person we are always in a class ,some are above us while some are below us . We are the worker for some , giving services to them  , while some are worker for us who is giving service to us.

If we are complaining to the people we should  also think , how we treat  others who are below us ,to whom we never think that they are human being.

If we are feels other as objects to whom we are using ,then thinking of others is also justifiable .

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