
Zero the starting

No One knows when the earth or our solar system created ,It is also not fixed from when the human exists, No one knows the history , everything is just an assumption .

 We can divide the complete theory between two main stream 



Science define the life as an living object , it has the reason for everything , proof for most of the thing.Except the basic thing how the universe has started .

Its like defining the number system starting with zero which can not be defined it self. Zero as we define is the ultimate number , it has no value ,no size ,no parameter but it exists. It exist because this is the base of all our science ,we may have alternate number system but all will fail after a certain level,Only Decimal system gives us the power so that we can count up to infinity . How interesting this is , that we are making the things based on the zero which itself not exists.

The same is science ,If you will not ask for the reason of the creation  , all system will work for you .Every question is answered by it until you will not ask about the origin .

Science can define everything very well .It can give you the reason for every thing ,well defined satisfactory reason .It define How the things work , but it will never answer why the things work.Why there is origin ,it does not answer .

 Coming to Religion .

Start with Hindu , the oldest religion .From the early days of Vedas , its writer( *not creator)and reader are looking for the meaning of life .From all Veda ,Purana,Gita etc everything bind us towards some self incarnated  GOD and then define every object living or dead as a part of that or creation of that . Different sects give different name but all gives the same theory that there was one supreme person , who created the world .

 Christianity and Islam , the other two major religion also refer at least one Initial reference , they all say that there is a GOD , who created the universe . Interestingly all religion will give the same answer ,there is a GOD who created everything , but why that GOD exists no one speaks.

Hindus have a ultimate theory , that every living object is part of that GOD,which is not common in other religion , By this way they define that all living animal and human are equivalent on root level .They are the part of same GOD and all living object has the same soul .There is no difference between soul of an animal and soul of a man . There mythology says that anyone can be incarnated as other(Man to animal and reverse). The only difference between soul of an animal and human is the difference between their consciousness .

 This relate the same theory of science , which says that humans are developed animal :) . There is no difference between an man and animal , most of the things are the same . From birth ,food , digestion system , blood system ,reproduction and finally death most of the things are common .

 Many of you will be shocked , what I want to say . Its difficult to think that we are animal ,just developed animal . 

But if we follow the science or we follow the Hindu religion they suggest that all our base is same. While science talks of the body , the material things ,Religion talks for the soul , the invisible part. Even Christianity and Islam all define a base GOD (like Zero ) and derive everything from that. But the main question is unanswered ,why GOD ?

 We require zero because without that our system will not work .So for science to work there should be zero. Similarly for religion to work there should be some starting point, and that is Ishwar( GOD).

 Once zero came in existence ,like GOD , we can define everything with reference from that So we came to Human now , Science and religion both says that man are the most developed animal .The only thing which differentiate Human from animal is the Mind. Mind is the only thing that makes us Human .That make us different from rest of the world. No animal , nothing is as powerful as an Human mind in the world.

GOD is like zero of science ,in religion  . No value, No size , No parameter but it exist .
Without that nothing will work .

Let us move one step ahead , Most of us are agree that the best part of the Human is mind. Just think about the Human without mind. If a persons mind is not working , then there is not such characteristic which can separate that person with animals .

This is the mind , based on which Animals and man are differentiated

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